Ta3weem | Egypt Exchange Rates

by Ta3weemOfficial



An easy tool to compare USD, EUR and SAR rates among banks in Egypt

Ta3weem.com is the 1st website in Egypt to aggregate USD-EGP, EUR-EGP, and SAR-EGP exchange rates across banks in the country. Aiming to fill an important information gap, the website was launched just hours following the Egyptian Central Banks decision to float the Egyptian pound, in order to provide both businesses and individuals with access to reliable, real-time, automatic exchange rate updates.We currently cover 28 banks in Egypt:- HSBC- Qatar National Bank - QNB AlAhli- Mashreq Bank- Emirates NBD- National Bank of Egypt - NBE- Banque Misr- Banque Du Caire- Bank of Alexandria- Housing & Development Bank- Central Bank of Egypt - CBE- Commercial International Bank - CIB- Crédit Agricole- Faisal Islamic Bank - FIB- Arab Investment Bank - AIBK- Ahli United Bank- Arab African International Bank - AAIB- The Saudi Investment Bank - SAIB- Al Ahli Bank of Kuwait [Piraeus] - ABK- Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank - ADIB- Egyptian Gulf Bank - EG-BANK- Export Development Bank of Egypt - EBE- Banque du Liban et dOutre-Mer - BLOM Bank- The United Bank- Al Baraka Bank- Misr Iran Development Bank - MIDB- National Bank of Greece Egypt - NBG- Suez Canal Bank- Principal Bank For Development & Agricultural Credit - PBDAC* General Enhancements

Read trusted reviews from application customers

Why did HSBC disappear from the list??!!!

Mostafa Khattab

سيئ حدا دايما الاسعار غير صحيحه وخصوصا الدولار . حاليا مكتوب اعلى سعر ١٦.٧١ رحت البنك لقيته ١٦.٦٥

Bilal Usama

Updated and useful app.

Mostafa Shaaban

Very usefully App


The best app for knowing the exchange rates

Mohamed Fatoh

It will be great to have currency exchange rate history chart, for month/week or even a whole year

Osama Ghaly

Great application on laptop, as well as on Android

Khalil Kandil

يا ريت تضيفوا اسعار السوق الموازية مثل البرامج الأخرى

Karim Ayman

I think 1*1 widget that displays the highest exchange rate for a certain currency would be great and new feature

Mohamed Moawad

بينورنا ويخلينا نطمن

Bahgah Osman Zubayda